Ep. 47 - Living for an Audience of One: Being a Slave to the Gospel

We are continuing our study in 1 Corinthians finishing up chapter 3 today and moving into chapter 4. We will be discussing how our bodies are the temple where the Lord dwells and what a great responsibility that is.

We will also discuss in chapter 4 how Paul was living for an audience of “One” not caring what the world thought about him. He was often seen as a servant to the gospel and he spent his life in servitude to the Lord.

How different would our lives be if we were working only for that audience of “one” ? Only caring about what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ thinks. At the end of the day that’s all that will matter. We should not be striving for earthly gain and earthly rewards but should be working toward heavenly rewards that will never fade away.

What’s the Purpose?

We can’t help but go back to the beginning of our lesson today and how Paul focused on living for an Audience of One.  Back in verse 1, that word servant interprets as “huperetas” which means a subordinate servant who functions as a free man.  As Christians, we are free to do what we want, when we want, serving the Lord is a choice.  So the purpose of today, is to examine who are you serving…yourself or God.  Paul willingly laid down his social status, his clout in society to be a servant of the Lord and it wasn’t always easy.  It didn’t come with accolades or awards.  As a matter of fact, it came with humility, what the world deemed as weakness and being despised but everything he did came with great purpose because it pointed people to the One who displayed the ultimate humility because of His great love and that was Jesus himself. 

What’s the Challenge?  

One commentator said “Serving is not a performance, instead cultivating a servant’s heart begins with understanding our position before a holy God.”  Begin today by living a life of service…what if I have a position of authority?  Do I give that up?  The greatest leaders have always been servant leaders, be humble.  Humility is the inward attitude of the heart that reflects in our outward demeanor so others will recognize we’re different from the world.  Live differently from the world and start today by finding ways to serve those around you.

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 48 - Focus on Purity: It Really is that Serious!


Ep. 46 Special Episode: God is Still Faithful in the Midst of the Storm - With Special Guest Donnie Morales