Ep. 53 - Focus on Being Courageous Not Cocky

In today’s episode we are diving into chapter 10 covering how dangerous it is to be prideful. We see several times in scripture that God blesses the humble and destroys the prideful. We also debunk the misconceptions that surround verse 13 in this chapter. We often see this verse misquoted and mis-interpreted. God promises us he will provide a way out of our temptations but it’s up to us to heed his warnings.

We briefly mention communion that’s referenced in verses 14-22 and how it along with Baptism are the two ordinances of the church. We end this study with a verse we have referenced a couple times already in our 1 Corinthians study verse 23 which says all things are lawful for me but not all things are expedient.

Scripture Read:

1 Corinthians 10

Exodus 13:21

Philippians 1:6

Proverbs 16:18-20

James 4:6

Mark 14:38

James 1:13

Leviticus 7:6

Malachi 1:6-8

What’s the Purpose?

We’re given many examples in the Old Testament and even the New Testament of ways to live but also of how we shouldn’t live but it’s up to us if we heed to the warnings.  But in everything, the purpose is to examine ourselves and evaluate our motives and our hearts behind everything that we do and is it being done to bring God glory!  That’s the purpose, focus on bringing God glory in everything we do!

What’s the Challenge?

Ask the Lord to reveal to you areas of your life where you are allowing your own vain ambitions to guide you and how you need to redirect and align with His Word. Ask God to show you the exit door.  God is faithful and He will provide a way to escape the temptation of sin.  Ask Him to show you and pray for wisdom to know when and were the exit door is.  Remember the example that many of the Israelites are to us because of their pride and selfishness.  Weed out the sin that hinders you and seek to glorify God in everything!

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 54 - Focus on Maintaining Order


Ep. 52 - Focus on Finding Common Ground: Share the Gospel