Ep. 55 - Focus on Finding Your Spiritual Gift

Today we are diving into 1 Corinthians chapter 12. We’re giving a high level overview of all 9 spiritual gifts mentioned in this chapter.

While we all won’t have the same spiritual gift each person is given at least one and they are all equally important in furthering God’s kingdom. It’s very important that we know the gift God has given us. One way to get you thinking about the gift you possess is to take a spiritual gifts test we are linking the one we have used below…

Have you ever thought about the Spiritual gift God has given you? Listen Now to find out the importance of these gifts and discovering the one the Holy Spirit has given you.

What’s the Purpose?

I love this quote from one commentator and it sums up what today’s purpose is: “God’s desire is for all to be saved; to use the gifts imparted by the Holy Spirit and to live with expectancy looking for the blessed return of our Lord.”  You have a unique gift, you are important and God desires that you use your gift to advance His Kingdom and to share the gospel with others.

What’s the Challenge?

Now that you know what the gifts of the Spirit are and the importance of them.  You need to know what your gift is.  A great place to start is by taking a gifts of the Spirit test that we’ll link in the description but just know that this is a good baseline to use but not necessarily 100 percent accurate but also begin to seek the Lord and ask Him what your gift is and how you can adequately use your gift for His Kingdom..

Spiritual Gifts Assessment:


God Bless From Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 56 - Focus on Love: Faith, Hope & Love but the Greatest is Love


Ep. 54 - Focus on Maintaining Order