Ep. 67 - Rachel & Leah | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 7

Here we go again with another unbelievable women of the bible episode but this week we’re talking about two women, sisters Rachel & Leah. This story is another one that is filled with jealousy, envy and deceit. It will definitely keep you on your toes!

This story starts off so well just as most of the stories we’ve covered so far have, we begin with another love story by the well as Jacob has fled his home to hide from the fury of his brother Esau. As he’s looking for his uncle Laban’s home he meets Laban’s daughter Rachel by the well and it was love at first sight! Rachel takes Jacob back to her home and tells her father Laban everything.

Jacob agrees to work 7 years for Laban for Rachel’s hand in marriage which seems like a very long time but in his words it felt like just a few days for the love he had for her! Awe doesn’t that make your heart melt!

The 7 years are up and it’s finally time for these two love birds to celebrate their wedding day, the day they’ve waited for for 7 long years! Unfortunately this is where we see the happiness end and the deceit enter. This is also where we now see Rachel’s sister Leah become a big part of this story.

Listen now for the full story and how envy & jealousy will hinder our relationship with the Lord.

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 68 - Jochebed & Miriam | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 8


Ep. 66 - Rebekah | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 6