Ep. 84 - The Importance of Your Local Church with Channe’l Dalton
Now more than ever it is so important that us as Christians come together united in our faith. If we truly believe we could be in the last days, and we do believe we are, it’s imperative that we reach as many as we can with the gospel of Jesus and one way we can do this is by supporting the local church.
We were so excited to have Channe’l Dalton in the studio with us, as a pastor’s wife and someone that has been in the church her entire life she has definitely seen ministry from all angles. We discuss church hurt, the importance of finding a bible believing church that fits you and your family, the importance of getting involved in your local church and so much more.
We hope you leave encouraged after this episode to find a church you can get involved in and if you are already involved in your local church we give you some ways you can continue to stay plugged in and ways you can support your pastor and his family.
Thank you for being on this journey with us!
God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,
Ashlee & Tabitha