Episode 32: Beauty from Ashes with Kelly Lester & Choices Pregnancy Center

In today’s episode we had the privilege to speak with Kelly Lester, A pro life advocate that travels all over advocating for the lives of children but that wasn’t always Kelly’s story.  Kelly had to go through a dark valley before she surrendered to God and allowed him to use her brokenness for his Glory.  She speaks of going through addiction, domestic violence and even 4 abortions before the Lord finally asked her if she’s had enough.  Her story is inspiring and shows just how the Lord can bring beauty from the ashes.  As she was speaking to us Kelly revealed how important pregnancy centers are and how she wished she had a local pregnancy center near her when she got that first positive pregnancy test at 16.  This is the reason we also wanted to highlight a local pregnancy center on this episode, Choices Pregnancy Center in Hall County, GA.

We had the privilege to take part in the Choices Pregnancy Center Gala earlier this year, as we learned about the amazing work they are doing we knew we wanted to get involved and let the community know what they do and how to help.  Choices is a center for the woman that finds out they are pregnant and doesn’t know where to turn.  They offer free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and also counseling.  They know how scary it can be to receive that positive pregnancy test when a baby is not what you had planned and they’re there to offer you Choices other than abortion for that life you are carrying.  They also offer counseling to the mom that may have chosen abortion and is now suffering with the emotional trauma that decision has caused.  Most importantly, Choices shares the gospel with everyone that walks in their doors, even if they walk into their mobile unit for free STD testing their workers and volunteers are sharing the gospel.  

We want to encourage each of you listening today to get involved with your local pregnancy center to help them advocate for those babies that can’t advocate for themselves.  Whether monetarily or through donating your time there are ways you can help your local center.

We are leaving you with the information on how you can support Choices.  Monetary donations are always welcome but we are encouraging you today to donate items on their Amazon wishlist to fund the baby boutique they discuss in the episode.  Their Baby Boutique allows expectant mothers and families to shop weekly for essential baby items (free with earned points), catering to infants up to the age of 18 months. Through their unique "Earn While You Learn" program, these families gain not only baby essentials but also valuable parenting and life skills, fostering a brighter future for both the children and their parents.

Links to Receive Help From Choices:

Contact #770-535-1245 

Clinical site   www.choicespregnancy.org

Facebook page(Clinical)


Links to Support Choices:

Amazon wish list


Facebook Group(Supporter/Volunteer)


Donor site    



Episode 33: Israel | Hamas | The End Times - What Does it Mean?


Episode 31: Hope for Hall with Founder Caroline Filchak - Inspiring Inclusive Play