Episode 34: Living Now with the End in Sight

In today’s episode we are discussing how we are supposed to live, behave and respond when we see the end approaching.  

We first go back to 1 Thessalonians 2 and take a look at what Paul has to say.  We discuss why Paul is writing this letter and what happened to him just before he wrote it.

We look at Paul’s life and discuss 5 attributes that we can take and apply to our own lives:

1- Don’t let difficulty slow you down 

2- Seek to obey God more than man 

3- Cherish relationships with people

4- Practice what you preach

5- Finding joy in seeing the spiritual transformation of others

We cover each of these attributes in depth and discuss the reason why these should be the qualities we as Christians live by.  

We summarize 1 Thessalonians chapter 3 and the good news Timothy brought back to Paul regarding the faithfulness of the Thessalonian Church.  They were on fire for God and desired to see Paul again.  Paul reminds them to hold fast, stand fast in the Lord, pray where you’re lacking and ask the Lord to increase your Love toward one another.  As Christians today, those same things should be true in our prayers so we can remain blameless and holy when Christ returns.

What’s the Purpose?

The purpose is exactly what we talked about earlier.  We have all the instructions we need found in God’s word.  How we should live…holy, looking up, ready for the Lord’s return and I love that Paul tells us how we should live and then goes into the hope that we have found in the calling up of the saints on the day of Rapture and then in chapter 5 tells us as we discussed last week to comfort one another, which is exactly what Paul was doing for the church of the Thessalonians.

What’s the Challenge?

Don’t be caught at his return living in sin, be found blameless before the Lord, serving Him, loving people, living Holy.

And that leads us to next week as we finish looking at the end of 1 Thessalonians 5 with Paul’s final exhortation in this letter.  We encourage you to read this chapter before the episode next week so you can follow along with our study.

Scripture Read:

1 Thessalonians 2

Acts 17

Luke 9:26

1 Corinthians 1:18

Matthew 22:37-39

1 Thessalonians 3 

1 Thessalonians 4

God Bless from our Hearts to Yours!


Episode 35: I’m Thankful for This but not Thankful for that


Episode 33: Israel | Hamas | The End Times - What Does it Mean?