Ep. 42 - Focus More in 2024: Unity in the Church

In today’s episode we are continuing our study in 1 Corinthians looking at verses 10-17.  Today’s topic we’re “focusing more” on unity in the church and why it’s so important.  Have you ever been discouraged by pettiness in the church?  Have you ever been caught up in drama within the church you don’t even know how you got into? Have you ever got into an argument over which church and which pastor is better? What does the bible say about handling these situations?  Listen now to find out!

Other Scripture Read:

Matthew 18:15-17

Romans 10:9

What is the Purpose?

Matthew Henry said “Agreement in the greater things should extinguish divisions about the lesser.”  While we’re busy arguing over petty things, there is a world who is watching us…a world that does not know Jesus and our ultimate goal and desire as Christians should be to point others to the Savior of the World.  Steve Pighton said “Preaching on unity doesn’t unify a church, preaching Jesus unifies a church.”  That’s powerful!  We can tell you all day long to be unified but without telling you how, nothing will be accomplished so just like Paul did, let’s go back to the beginning of 1 Corinthians and find common ground.  In verse 2 he said, “unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.”  He goes on in verses 4-9 to remind them of the grace that was given to them of God by Jesus Christ and that the testimony of Christ was confirmed in them.”  Before Paul ever began condemning them for their sin and disunity, he reminded them of their commonality and that is that they were given grace through their salvation in Christ and we too, despite our differences can find common ground on the fact that we love Jesus, we are saved and given more grace than we could ever deserve and that’s the purpose of today’s teaching.

What is the Challenge?

How boring would this world be if we all liked the exact same decor, if we all listened to the exact same music or artist, if we all liked the same preacher?  First of all, we’d never get a seat at our church if everyone attended the same place.  I’d never find the decor that I want if everyone was buying up the same thing.  I could never get a ticket to a concert if EVERYONE wanted to go.  Diversity in the church is good as well and later in Corinthians we’ll get into more specifics but what would happen if we all wanted to lead the singing and no one wanted to teach, or everyone wanted to lead and no one wanted to follow.  Let’s celebrate our differences but if we find it hard to get along with another Christian, come together on what you can agree on, our love and appreciation for Jesus and the sacrifice He made for all of us so that we can be saved through faith.  That is truly something to celebrate and rejoice over.

Join us this year as we Focus More in 2024!

God Bless from our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 43 - Focused and Foolish: Just a Fool for Jesus


Episode 41: Focus More in 2024 - Happy New Year!