Ep. 44 - Focus More on Divine Wisdom Not the Foolishness of the World

Last week we discussed the difference between spiritual wisdom and divine wisdom and how non-believers can think what we believe is foolish.  This week we are going to be looking at what true wisdom is and how powerful it can be.

So often we have access to the wisdom of God, we’re just not doing our part to utilize what HAS been given to us “freely” by the Spirit of God and that requires us to study, pray, attend church and hear sermons so that we can obtain knowledge and put that knowledge into action through wisdom.  

Listen now to discover how to gain the true wisdom of God. 

Scripture Read:

1 Corinthians 2

Exodus 4:11-12

Hebrews 11:1

What is the Purpose?

Paul has spent a lot of time talking about wisdom. Why?  Because he is urging the church to think Biblically, not culturally, when it comes to wisdom.  He’s changing the idea of what it means to be wise.  As we said before, it’s not the eloquence of speech, it’s not necessarily the one with the most knowledge.  The purpose is to recognize that wisdom is found in the one who submits to the Holy Spirit and allows the Lord to guide them and applies Biblical truth to their daily decisions.  Whitney Capps said, “Oh that we would seek to be wise more than we would seek to be right!”  That’s convicting!

JJ Packer said “not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God’s holiness and sovereignty.  Acknowledging our own littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours.”

What’s the Challenge?

If you have put your faith and trust in Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, utilize this amazing gift you have.  Be BOLD in your faith.  Follow the discernment of the Holy Spirit ( and BTW, the Holy Spirit will NEVER lead you to sin, so consider that as you follow his guidance).  You may not have the most eloquent words, you may not have scripture memorized or know all the stories of the Bible, but you have something very special, the Holy Spirit and a testimony.  Don’t ever be afraid to share with others what God has done for you.  So our challenge is to take a BOLD step of faith and share your testimony, your own personal story of what God is doing in and through you with someone this week.

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 45 - Focus on Obedience: It’s not a Competition!


Ep. 43 - Focused and Foolish: Just a Fool for Jesus