Ep. 45 - Focus on Obedience: It’s not a Competition!

Today we are continuing our study in 1 Corinthians looking at chapter 3.  We discuss the difference between being a babe in Christ still on the milk but how we’re supposed to get off the milk and onto the meat of scripture.  This was one of the things Paul was addressing when he wrote this letter.  He told the church at Corinth that for the 18 months I was there with you, you came to know Christ, you were babes in Christ but I’ve been gone for a while and I should be hearing that you are a thriving church but you’re still acting like babes in Christ.  Why is this?  Because they were having petty arguments within the church that was driving them apart.  Hmmm doesn’t that sound so familiar in today’s New Testament churches?  

We discuss how everyone in the church plays a vital role.  Some plant and some water but it’s ultimately God that gives the increase but if you’re too busy fighting within the church then you’re not focused on planting or watering.  We are all part of the Big “C” - Church that is.  One may share the gospel, another may come along and share some verses and over time a lost person may soften to the gospel but we have to all be obedient to what the Lord has called us to do.

We discuss the testimony of how a new friend came into our lives through the podcast and how a family friend ended up coming to know Christ because of their obedience to the Lord.  We can’t make this stuff up, it’s not just a coincidence and we’ve seen first hand over the last couple months how when you don’t think God is moving he is always working behind the scenes.

Listen now to find out how you can live boldly for the Lord and live out your faith in UNITY with other believers all for the glory of God.

Scripture Read:

1 Corinthians 3:1-23

Matthew 6:19-21

What is the Purpose?

As the church today, we have some of these same challenges: valuing materialistic things rather than eternal things, wanting to take credit for lives changed, arguing over petty things that on judgment day won’t matter.  The purpose today is to check your motives.  What are your intentions?  Is it to get a pat on the back, is for people to brag on your accomplishments or is it for God to get the glory.  Paul ends 1 Cor. 3:20-23 says, “And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.  Therefore let no man glory in men.  For all things are yours; Whether Paul, or Apollos or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; And ye are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.” God knows. God knows your motivation, he knows your intentions and those will be judged one day and you’ll receive your reward based on why you did what you did, why you served. And as hard as it is for us to accept, it doesn’t matter who gets the credit because our God is gracious and he’ll reward those whose motivation was to bring HIM glory.

What’s the Challenge?

Evaluate your motives.  Are you wanting praise or are you wanting to bring God glory? Then, our challenge is to BOLDLY live out our faith in UNITY with other believers ALL for the glory of God.

God Bless from our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 46 Special Episode: God is Still Faithful in the Midst of the Storm - With Special Guest Donnie Morales


Ep. 44 - Focus More on Divine Wisdom Not the Foolishness of the World