Ep. 61 - Eve - The Mother of All Living | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 1

Today we are starting our women of the bible series and thought it would only be fitting to start with the first women Eve. We will be diving into Eve’s life as the first woman, first wife, first sinner, first to receive consequences of sin & the first to receive a promise from God. We don’t know a lot about Eve but can learn so much from these 5 areas of her life.

Eve a lot of times gets a bad wrap but she was faced with the same temptations that we are all faced with today. The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. The serpent was able to deceive Eve to think the perfect life God blessed her with in the garden wasn’t enough and that there was more on the other side and doesn’t the devil get us thinking these very same thoughts today?

Join us as we take a look into Eve’s life and the steps we can take to avoid temptation when it comes our way.

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 62 - Noah’s Wife - An Unsung Hero | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 2


Ep. 60 - Paul’s Final Word: Be Steadfast in Your Faith | Doing Everything in Love