Ep. 62 - Noah’s Wife - An Unsung Hero | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 2

We are so excited about today’s episode covering Noah’s wife. You may be thinking just as we did, there’s really not much we know about Noah’s wife and how can we possibly devote a whole episode to her? But as we began diving into the famous story of Noah and the ark we realized there is so much we can learn about her just by what was not said.

She was a godly example of a wife & mother and her obedience to the Lord is evident in how she supported Noah through his mission to build the ark.

We hope you enjoy getting to know this unsung hero through a little different lens we sure did!

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha

Noah's Wife - An Unsung Hero | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 2
Ashlee Calvert & Tabitha Howard

Ep. 63 - Sarah & Hagar Pt. 1 | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 3


Ep. 61 - Eve - The Mother of All Living | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 1