Ep. 69 - Rahab | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 9

Who doesn’t love a good redemption story, I know we do and today’s episode has to be one of our favorites. Rahab’s story doesn’t begin very well but it sure does end well showing us all it’s not always about how you start but how you finish.

Rahab risked her own life to save two spies that she didn’t even know all because she had heard of the magnificent things their God had done and she too wanted to experience God’s saving power in her life.

Her faith in this moment was unparallel, she trusted that these spies would spare her and her families life when they came to overtake Jericho because she made the quick decision to save their lives. For the first time we see her faith in action and in return her life and the life of her family was saved.

But this is only the beginning of Rahab’s story we know she goes on to marry a man named Salmon (listen for our take on this love story) and has an amazing son named Boaz, yes that is Ruth’s Boaz another amazing love story we can’t wait to talk about but the genealogy doesn’t end there Rahab would be the great-great grandmother to the one and only King David which puts her in the direct lineage of Jesus Christ!

If that’s not a true redemption story I don’t know what is! Only God!

Listen now for more on the woman we’re calling the Redeemed Rahab!

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 70 - Ruth Part 1 with Special Guest Emily Curtis | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 10


Ep. 68 - Jochebed & Miriam | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 8