Ep. 70 - Ruth Part 1 with Special Guest Emily Curtis | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 10

In today’s episode we are going to be studying Ruth chapter 1. There are only 4 chapters in the book of Ruth so if you haven’t read it in it’s entirety we would highly encourage you to do so. It’s only 1 of 2 books of the Bible named after women and it’s the only book named after a non-Jewish woman. 

This story begins with such tragedy and loss as Naomi loses her husband Elimilech and her two sons Mahlon and Chilion and is left with only her two daughter-in-laws Orpah and Ruth but we’ll soon learn that Orpah decides to stay in Moab while Ruth chooses to follow Naomi back to her home town of Bethlehem. It’s hard to believe that hope can come from such tragedy but we get to see God’s redemptive plan for Naomi and Ruth in part 2 of this study next week.

We are so excited to have a special guest on with us today to help guide us in what to do during a season of grief whether it’s ourselves going through it or we’re trying to walk through a season of grief with friends and family. Emily Curtis is the author of the amazing book Hope in the Mourning, a hope filled guide through grief. This book is a compilation of real stories of grief but also the hope that was found in each individual story. Something that was really helpful to us that Emily has done is at the end of each story there are things listed that were helpful and things that weren’t so helpful people did for these families. It’s such an eye opener on how we should properly and helpfully walk alongside others in a time of grieving.

You can find more information about Emily’s book and also purchase the book on her website www.hopeinthemourning.com she has also been so gracious to offer a 20% discount to our listeners just enter code Endure at checkout.

We will be completing this study next week so make sure you come back and listen as Naomi and Ruth find redemption, you don’t want to miss the rest of this beautiful story!

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,
Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 71 - Ruth Part 2 | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 11


Ep. 69 - Rahab | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 9