Ep. 71 - Ruth Part 2 | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 11

In today’s episode we are wrapping up the story of Ruth talking about the redemptive plan God had for her and Naomi. This has to be one of our favorite stories in the bible. Amidst the tragedy they faced we see the hope they found in turning back to God and trusting in his provision.

Only God could have put Ruth in the position to meet her kinsman redeemer Boaz. The way Boaz cared for Ruth and made sure her and Naomi had all they needed reminds me of the love God has for each of us. He’s constantly pouring out those handfuls of purpose caring for our every need and then some.

In the season of grief and tragedy when Naomi thought she lost it all God placed Ruth in her life who stuck with her to the end. The women in the town told her blessed are you Naomi for your daughter in law which loveth the is better than 7 sons. Blessed be the Lord that has not left you without a kinsman his name shall be famous in Israel and he shall be a restorer of life in your old age. They were talking about Naomi’s grandson Obed who would be the grandfather of the great King David!

Whatever your facing today, whether it’s a big life decision, a health concern, trouble with a family member know that God cares about your every need and he wants you to cast all of your cares upon him because he cares for you. Don’t let this world rob you of the Joy you have in Jesus Christ! We can trust that he is working all things out for our good just as he did for Naomi & Ruth even though we may feel he’s not moving at all! Trust in his timing his plan is always better than our own and some times he calls us to simply stand still and let him move.

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 72 - Deborah & Jael | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 12


Ep. 70 - Ruth Part 1 with Special Guest Emily Curtis | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 10