Ep. 75 - The Wives of David: Michal & Abigail | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 15

Have you ever had a time that you were mistreated or used by someone?  What if that someone was a person you respected and should have been a safe place for you but they ended up being the ultimate betrayer?  That’s what we will be diving into today as we study the wives of David.

Today we will be looking specifically at David’s wives Michal & Abigail and discussing how they were both mistreated by different people in their lives . Even though they both suffered unfair treatment the way they handled their mistreatment was very different. We see one grow to live a very bitter life she allowed the bitterness to rob her of all her joy while the other never turned away from her godly character even though she was not living in the best of circumstances. There’s so much to learn from these two women.

We hope you enjoy getting a glimpse into the lives of these two women and that you can take something away from the teaching that will change the way you handle difficult situations in your life.

Make sure you tune in next week as we discuss another one of David’s wives, the famed Bathsheba.

God Bless from our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 76: Defending Bathsheba | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 16


Ep. 74 - Hannah & Peninnah | Women of the Bible Series Ep. 14