Episode 24: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 5 - Patience

In today’s episode we are moving onto another Fruit of the Spirit talking all things patience with our special guest Lesia Carroll.

We open up discussing the difference between fruits & gifts as they can often be confused.

We discuss how patience must be exercised just as our bodies do.  We don’t get in shape by just sitting on the couch, we must be intentional to exercise and it’s the same with obtaining patience, we must be intentional with trying to build patience in our own lives.

Have you ever considered that the lack of patience is intertwined with anger?  Consider the times that you’ve lost patience, was that a direct result of anger or a lack of self-control? Isn’t that another fruit of the spirit?

We discuss God’s patience towards us and despite our failures and shortcomings he is merciful, gracious and slow to anger.

We discuss how important it is to exemplify the fruit of the spirit in our own lives and we look at the growth process of a bamboo tree.  First, they plant the seed, water, and fertilize it but nothing happens the first year.  The second year they water and fertilize it, still nothing happens and again they do the same for the third and fourth years but still nothing happens.  Then in the fifth year in a period of about 6 weeks the bamboo tree grows to a height of approximately 90 feet.  So, the question is did it grow 90 feet in six weeks or did it grow 90 feet in 5 years?  And the obvious answer is it took all five years because without the nurture and care of the preceding years there would be no tree.

Just like the bamboo tree patience doesn’t grow overnight, it’s something we cultivate and have to continually work on.  Be patient and you will get there!

Patience is something we all struggle with, but we can see the results of the fruit in our life if we are determined to work for it, remembering God’s longsuffering towards us should be our motivation.  Keep in mind, fruit starts out as a seed planted inside of us by God’s Holy Word, when cultivated by the continued hearing of the word it grows and then blossoms outside of us producing fruit that the world can see.  Fruits of the spirit including patience are a direct result of your relationship with the LORD…Period.

Scripture Read:

Ecclesiastes 7:8-9, Psalm 103:8, Isaiah 30:18, Romans 2:4, 2 Peter 3:8-9, Colossians 1:9-11, James 1:5-6, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 11:6, Galatians 6:7-9.

What’s the Purpose:

To remind ourselves of God’s patience toward us and to seek him through faith believing through his Holy Spirit we can show the same mercy to others that he has shown us.

What’s the Challenge:

Let’s all purpose to cultivate fruit in our lives, showing the world we are different, knowing if our lives don’t exemplify the fruit of the Holy Spirit we are rendered ineffective.


Episode 25: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 6 - Living by Faith


Episode 23: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 4 - Gentleness & Goodness