Episode 23: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 4 - Gentleness & Goodness

In today’s episode our special guest was not able to be with us so we are jumping ahead in the fruit of the spirit series to talk about gentleness and goodness.

Since these two fruits are very similar we thought we would cover them together to showcase the similarities but also the differences between the two.

We take a dive into the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.  We discuss how the Priest & the Levite saw a man suffering on the side of the road and just walked on by but the Samaritan man stopped to help the “Jewish Man.”  The cultural differences are very significant here during these times the Jews and the Samaritans hated each other but despite their differences the Samaritan man showed compassion on the Jewish man.  He was not only kind but he also showed goodness.  His kindness came when he saw the man on the side of the road and took the time to bandage and care for his wounds.  He showed goodness when he went the extra mile and took the man to an inn and paid for his stay until he was better.  

Gentleness brings compassion and love and kindness but Goodness as one commentator said is “virtue and holiness in action.”  Goodness is going that extra mile.  Goodness is not only the good samaritan having compassion but it was doing something about it. Matthew 5:41 says “And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.” - Don’t just go one mile with him, go 2.

Kindness is sending a text to someone in need with some encouragement but goodness is taking that extra step and sitting with them, taking dinner, running errands for them, whatever they need, meeting it for them.  Goodness takes intentionality and sacrifice and we see that in this story.  Goodness cost the Good Samaritan time in his travel and money out of his pocket.

Scripture References:

Galatians 5:22-23, Luke 10:25-37, Ephesians 4:32, Proverbs 21:36, Matthew 7:12, Proverbs 16:21, Matthew 5:41, Psalms 34:8 & Psalm 107:1

 What’s the Purpose?

As we discuss, what’s the purpose, let’s go back to the parable of the Good Samaritan.  There is so much that we can learn from this story and how to display gentleness and goodness but when we see ourselves as the good samaritan, we are missing the mark.  The purpose of this story is to recognize that Jesus is the Good Samaritan and WE are the ones that are in need.  What did the Good Samaritan do?  He displayed the greatest amount of compassion - He didn’t leave the man in his suffering, He got involved and He paid the cost.  And Jesus did all of that just for us.  We were dead in our sins but in His great love, Jesus paid the ultimate price so that we could experience salvation.  The purpose of this story today is to help us realize that we are the ones in need, we are the ones needing compassion but then once we’ve experienced the joy of salvation, let’s love others with the same gentleness and goodness that Jesus has shown to each of us.

What’s the Challenge?

Don’t walk around with your head in the sand.  Live with gentleness and goodness.  Be the change that we all so desperately want this world to experience, but it starts with you.  It starts with me.  It starts with Ashlee.  Find someone this week, to go the extra mile with, in love with gentleness/kindness and goodness.


Episode 24: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 5 - Patience


Episode 22: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 3 A Peace that passes all understanding