Episode 36 - The Return of Christ & The Tribulation

In Today’s episode we are summarizing 2 Thessalonians.  It’s a short book with just 3 chapters but is full of so much wisdom and encouragement for faithful believers.

2 Thessalonians was written because someone pretending to be Paul had written a letter to the Thessalonians telling them that they were living in the tribulation and this was the reason they were facing so much persecution.  This of course confused the Thessalonians because this letter did not match up to what Paul said in his first letter to them.  In John Dell’s book he says, “The second epistle written to the Thessalonians was to assure the believers that Paul had not written the letter that caused so much confusion and to further establish them in the doctrine of the second coming of Christ.”

We discuss Thessalonians chapter by chapter beginning with chapter 1.  Even though this letter was intended to sow discord among the Thessalonians they continued to serve the Lord as a unified body.  They also continued to stay unified even though they were being persecuted for their faith.  While none of us want to face persecution, sometimes the pressure can ignite a fire in us to completely devote our lives to the Lord.  Although we hate to be the bearer of bad news, we as Christians will face persecution, it’s just a sign of the times.  We have been blessed to live in a country where we can worship freely but we are now starting to see some of the religious freedoms we’ve known begin to come under attack. This chapter also reveals a promise that those who remain faithful will be rewarded for their unwavering faith but those that are doing the persecuting will experience punishment for their actions.  

We look at chapter 2 from a premillennialism lens as we believe this is how the return of Christ will come to pass.  In 1 Thessalonians Paul discussed what we call the rapture which is when the saints of God will be caught up in the air and 2 Thessalonians speaks of the return of Christ which is different than the rapture itself.  In this chapter Paul was trying to comfort the Thessalonians to let them know that the church will be raptured before the tribulation period.  The saints of God will not endure the tribulation.  Paul discussed some things that will happen before the Tribulation period and one of those things is that there will be a great falling away.  This means that there will be many who will separate themselves from the teaching of God’s word and aren’t we seeing that all around us today?

In chapter 3 Paul was asking the church for prayer and this is such a great reminder for us today to pray for our church leaders.  In finishing up Paul addresses what he calls those who walk disorderly.  He speaks of the people who have become lazy and who are not working.  There’s a difference between the widows and orphans we are called to take care of versus able bodies that refuse to work. 

What’s the Purpose?

Paul concludes this second epistle to the Thessalonians by saying in Chapter 3 verse 16 “now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means.  The Lord be with you all.”  As we look back on this entire chapter, it’s to give us peace, not to fear or worry.  When we know what’s going to happen, we don’t have to live in fear because we know that the God of the- universe is in control and He cares for us, His people.  We did a whole episode on peace when we covered the fruit of the spirit but the purpose of this teaching is that when we see the signs of the end times, we can experience peace that only The Lord of peace Himself can give and that is found through the working of the Holy Spirit within those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus as their Savior.

What’s the Challenge?

Live with the Coming of Christ in the forefront of your mind. Continually looking to Him to guide you through His Word.  Hold fast and stay strong in the teachings of God’s Word because we are in a time in history that is so important.  We have an opportunity now to witness and shine light in a world that is quickly falling away from the traditions of God’s Word and that’s why it’s so important that we hold fast, study the scripture so that we are so confident in our beliefs that when an opportunity presents itself to share the gospel, we don’t shy away, but we remain bold in sharing the truth of salvation in love.

God Bless from our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Ep. 37 - Christmas Series Ep. 1: Who are Mary & Joseph?


Episode 35: I’m Thankful for This but not Thankful for that