Ep. 37 - Christmas Series Ep. 1: Who are Mary & Joseph?

We are so excited to begin our Christmas series today.  Throughout the next few weeks we are going to be going on a journey through the Christmas story but not the traditional way you may be accustomed to.  We are going to be doing a deep dive into the people/groups of people within the Christmas story and today we are beginning with Mary and Joseph.

We first discuss Jewish customs and how engagements/marriages worked during the time of Mary & Joseph and if they were actually married when Jesus was born.

We discuss how you can find the account of Jesus’ birth in both Matthew and Luke and how they both tell different parts of the story but that neither are wrong, they are just from different people with different points of view and written in two different contexts.  Luke mainly wrote from the perspective of a Gentile doctor and Matthew was writing to the Jews.

Then we talk about what we know about Joseph and even though we really don’t know a lot about him the bible clearly states he was a just and upright man who was also called to take part in the birth of the Messiah.  We know he was humble, faithfully obeyed God, honored others, took responsibility and worked hard to provide for his family.

We then turn to Luke to look at Mary.  We discuss the high calling Mary had on her life but also the shame and embarrassment she must have initially felt after she conceived.  I’m sure she wondered if anybody would ever believe her. We can’t even imagine how she must have felt at that moment but there was one that was happy for her and believed…her cousin Elisabeth who was also pregnant with none other than John the Baptist.  When Mary goes to visit Elisabeth the encounter they had was so special the bible tells us the babe leaped in Elizabeth's womb - John the Baptist has always known that Jesus was the Messiah even before birth!  How nice it must have been for Mary to have someone that was excited for her and that believed she was carrying the Messiah.

We recall a few other times we see Mary & Joseph in scripture after Jesus’ birth and discuss the half siblings Jesus had which were at least 6.  We talk about how it’s assumed Joseph passed away sometime after Jesus was found in the temple around 12 and before his earthly ministry which was when he would have been around 30.  Although we don’t know why Joseph’s life would have been cut short we mention some speculations that may have been part of the reason.

What is the purpose?

While Mary and Joseph both deserve our reverence and respect for the high calling on their lives, in no way are they to be worshiped…only Jesus is to be elevated and esteemed as Lord and reigns over all. Jesus is our mediator between us and God and it’s only through our salvation in Jesus that allows us to be in fellowship with God. But what an honor to get to raise the Savior of the World.

What is our challenge?

What would you do if God asked you to do something extraordinary for Him.  Would you respond as Mary, I am your servant or would you respond as Joseph and allow your actions to speak louder than words or would you refuse to do it.  Everyday we are given an opportunity to live for Him…are we found worthy or are we found lazy? But in addition to that, are you living a life that is worthy of a high calling…that’s convicting! We couldn’t be called to do the same thing as Mary but are you willing and ready to do what God wants from you?  

God Bless from Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Episode 38: Christmas Series Ep. 2: Angels - Setting the Record Straight


Episode 36 - The Return of Christ & The Tribulation