Episode 38: Christmas Series Ep. 2: Angels - Setting the Record Straight

Today’s episode is completely devoted to angels.  We set the record straight on what they are and what they aren’t.  Did you know angels are mentioned at least 273 times in 34 books of the bible?  They must be pretty import!

We discuss the only 3 angels mentioned by name in the bible Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer.  We also talk about how angels do not look like our Christmas play angels; little girls in white dresses, with a halo and wings.  In fact the couple of descriptions we do have of angels with multiple wings and eyes and even having wheels would probably be a terrifying sight!  

We talk about the importance of angels and how they are fighting spiritual battles all around us as well as protecting and watching over us.

We end with Hebrews 13:2 and how it says angels can still take on a fleshly body you never know when you could be entertaining and angel unaware; will you choose to be hospitable and welcoming or will you brush them off?

What’s the Purpose?

Angels were significant in the birth of Christ and declaring the Savior was coming, they were significant in the Old Testament and will be significant in the end times, but while we wait, I love what Billy Graham says “Every true believer in Christ should be encouraged and strengthened!  Angels are watching; they mark our path.  They superintend the events in our lives and protect the interests of the Lord God, always working to promote His plans and to bring about His highest will for us.  Angels are interested spectators and mark all we do, for we are made a spectacle unto the world, and to angels and to men (1 Corinthians 4:9). God assigns angelic powers to watch over us.”  Praise God for His tender care and watchful eye over His children!

What’s the Challenge?

Respect the authority of angels but do not misguide them for God or the Holy Spirit.  Rejoice that we have angels watching over us but rejoice more that we have a Heavenly Father that not only used angels to reveal the coming of our Savior but will allow these same messenger warriors to fight for and defend the Lord in the end times.

God Bless From Our Hearts to Yours,

Ashlee & Tabitha


Episode 39: Christmas Series Ep 3: Jesus is the Reason for the Season


Ep. 37 - Christmas Series Ep. 1: Who are Mary & Joseph?