Episode 12: How to Love Like Jesus: As a Husband (Feat. Our Spouses)

Today we have a special episode for you in our family series and have brought in a couple guest speakers…Our HUSBANDS! They discuss the importance of being a Godly husband and the roles they play in the home.  Yes we will discuss the ever so controversial topic of submission but will also talk about what love looks like in your home.  We hope you enjoy this episode and get a blessing out of it.

Scripture Read: Ephesians 5

What’s the Purpose?

To love like Christ and to ensure you are representing true love in your home 

What’s the Challenge:

Design your home according to God’s word - we know it’s not always easy but we can make the promise that if you start using God’s word as a blueprint to align your life you will start experiencing blessings you could never imagine.


Episode 13: How to Love Like Jesus: As a Dad (Feat. Our Spouses)


Episode 11: How to Love like Jesus - In Motherhood