Episode 14: How to Love Like Jesus: As the Proverbs 31 Woman

When we finished up with the episodes on being a wife and mother, we mentioned that the Lord had impressed on our hearts to dive into the Proverbs 31 woman.  There’s so much wisdom offered in this passage of scripture to women so we thought that it would benefit us all to look more into the characteristics of a godly woman.

The passage is attributed to King Lemuel (who many scholars believe was King Solomon), who received advice from his mother.  She wanted him to marry well - a woman with good character, virtuous, selfless and not only that, but a woman of valor.

At first glance of this scripture, it can feel overwhelming - unattainable perfection but we love what  Lysa Terkeurst said in her teaching on Proverbs 31 “It’s not a checklist of what you’re not, but a celebration of who you are.” https://myf5.co/217451

We cannot obtain the standard of this woman apart from having a relationship with Jesus.  We must have salvation that gives us the Holy Spirit indwelling within each of us to guide us in our spiritual walk and growth with the Lord - Episode 3 Holy Spirit. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/purposeful-women-of-god/id1677242975?i=1000610506595

The entire book of Proverbs is given to us by the Lord to instruct us with wisdom that only comes from Him.

Then we dive into the 3 aspects of the Proverbs 31 woman:  Faith, Family and Finances

She continues seeking the Lord in everything.

She is trustworthy, honorable, protects her children and her family calls her blessed.

She also manages her finances well by working when necessary, making wise investments and preparing for the future.  She is also generous to others.

As always, we end with “What’s the purpose?” and give you all a challenge.

Thanks for listening!


A Surprise Bonus Episode…The Future of PWG Plus a Special Announcement


Episode 13: How to Love Like Jesus: As a Dad (Feat. Our Spouses)