A Surprise Bonus Episode…The Future of PWG Plus a Special Announcement

Hello and Welcome to this Bonus Episode of Purposeful Women of God. We wanted to take some time to talk to our listeners about the Future of PWG but also to rejoice over what God has been doing through this ministry.

Statistics show that most podcasts do not even make it past 10 episodes and thanks to you, we have released 14 episodes and we’re still going strong.  We are continuing to grow and we cannot thank you enough for listening week after week.

While many of our listeners come from our home state of GA, one of the fastest growing states of listeners is from the state of Washington.

And because you are our fastest growing area, we want to giveaway a Purposeful Women of GOd t-shirt to one of our Washington listeners, so if you listen from Washington state, be the first to email us at purposefulwomenofgod@gmail.com and we will send you a free t-shirt.  We love getting to know our listeners!

When we began this podcasting journey 3 months ago, we had no idea what to expect, it was all so new to us but we knew that God was leading us in this direction and we wanted first and foremost to be obedient to Him and His will for our lives.Our hearts desire is to encourage women and point them to God’s Word but I’ll be honest, starting a podcast was scary, completely out of our comfort zone and the fear of failure was always in the back of our minds but one thing that also kept coming to my mind was that in 5 years, I did not want to look back with regrets, regrets to not even try and I’m so thankful we dove straight in!

God has been with us each step of the way.  Reaffirming that this is what He would have us do  and because of that we hope each of you will continue to listen every week.

Some changes you may see is that we will be sharing some christian resources in regards to books and bible studies along the way to help aid in building your faith  but we will also be partnering with other Christian owned businesses to highlight like-minded industries as well.

We also want to thank American Boat and RV Storage in Dawsonville Ga for being a sponsor of the show and for helping us to continue to  reach women with the gospel.

and If you or someone you know is interested in supporting PWG, please feel free to reach out to us at Purposefulwomenofgod@gmail.com or through our website.

Our desire and longterm goal is to support other ministries and to use this platform to give back to our local community.

With that said, we are also making plans for our first ladies event, there will be more details to come, but for now if you are in the North GA area, mark your calendar for Friday, Sept 29

As always, your interaction through social media also allows us to reach more people - do not underestimate how far a like, comment or share goes. And anytime you hear an episode that has encouraged you, please share with a friend or family member. And if you’re enjoying the purposeful women of god podcast, please give us a 5 star review wherever you listen to your podcasts…and if you’re feeling extra generous leave a comment of what you enjoy most about purposeful women of god.

Thank you again for your continued support and we want to encourage you today as well, what is God calling you to do?  Maybe to teach a Sunday school class? Write a book?  I don’t know what it is but don’t look back in 5 years with regret…do it! Follow God’s will and calling on your life and I’m certain you will be blessed for your obedience to HIm.

We love you all and look forward to meeting you back here on Tuesday with our latest episode


Episode 15: It’s Only Halftime: Don’t Give Up Yet!


Episode 14: How to Love Like Jesus: As the Proverbs 31 Woman