Episode 16: Resting in God’s Sovereignty through Worry & Anxiety

While last week’s episode was an introduction,  we want to begin diving deeper into each area of health: Mind, Body and Soul. Today, we are going to tackle the difficult subject of mental health.  But we have to acknowledge and preface this topic by saying, we are not mental health professionals so if you are under the care of a doctor, please consult your doctor with any changes or questions you have.  But also remember that you are in charge of your health and if they are recommending something that doesn’t seem right to you, bring it up to them, do your own research and even seek a second opinion

We are meant to feel - love, joy, excitement, but also sadness and anger at times as well.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 

We discuss many of the things that can cause us to struggle with our mental health. 

Trauma, loss, hormones, clutter, unforgiveness and many more.

What does the Bible say?

John 14:27

Matthew 11:28-30

Matthew 6:33-34

Phil 4:6 

1 Peter 5:7 

We have examples in the Bible of how God ministered to those who struggled with mental health in Elijah, Jonah and Job, as well as others.

Mark 11:22-26

Phil 4:8

What’s the Purpose:

Anxiety, fear, depression are all plaguing our society and we do not want you to struggle alone - There is hope!  Find a Christian Counselor or a trusted Christian friend but most importantly, give God your burden - He loves you!  He cares for you!  Give it to Him

What’s the Challenge:

I know if you are struggling with anxiety, you do not want a Sunday School answer and it sounds so cliche, but when you are feeling burdened, find a quiet space - bedroom, closet and do a few things - memorize some of the verses we mentioned earlier - we will provide references in show notes, write out scripture and just sit alone with God and if the words come, pour your heart out to Him, have yourself a messy cry if you need to and then leave it there. Have your arsenal ready to go when the enemy attacks your mind, what do I mean by that? already have versus marked and ready to read at a moment's notice. If you are a child of God, do not underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit coupled with God’s holy word. I know it sounds so churchy, but I have seen him work through me and situations. Take the example of Jesus himself when Satan tempted him, he took him back to the truth of God‘s word, and did not believe the lies that he was telling him. Jesus also set an example to go to a desert place, a place of solitude not with your phone, not with distractions, but a place to clear your mind, but it takes intentionality it takes preparation, but I promise you that his word is true and he wants to help carry whatever burden, whatever you have been struggling with in your mind- take it to him but it’s a daily thing (sometimes an hourly, minute by minute) go to him in prayer every day. It’s not a one and done- we live in a fallen world, we face struggles every day, but every day that it comes up, you take it back to him you spend time with him you quote those scriptures again, and I am confident that the peace of God which passes all understanding will flood your soul and your mind.


Levi Lusko “I Declare War”



Episode 17: Physical Health: Nutrition, Exercise & Rest


Episode 15: It’s Only Halftime: Don’t Give Up Yet!