Episode 18: The Importance of a Healthy Soul

We hope this series has helped equip you with some practical tools & biblical wisdom to encourage you to live a healthier life.  Remember that it’s never too late to start implementing healthier choices for your life.

We have already discussed having a healthy mind and a healthy body so today we are discussing what it means to have a healthy soul, which we feel is the most important.

We discuss how all 3 of our topics mind, body & soul are intertwined and if we are suffering in one of these areas the other 2 will also be greatly affected.

If we recall the example of Elijah we used the other week we remember that God not only tended to his spiritual needs but also to his mental and physical needs.  We can all attest to the fact that when we are struggling with our physical health, after sometime, that starts affecting our mind and how we think about things and inevitably that will pour over into our spiritual lives. I.e. I don’t FEEL like going to church today or I don’t FEEL like reading my bible today then next thing we know all of our spiritual disciplines are out the window.

Read Galatians 5:16-21 - We discuss how these verses let us know if we are walking in the spirit or not.

Read Galatians 5:22-23 - In these verses we see the fruit of the spirit these are the things that must be present in our lives if we are living in the spiritual way God intended us to.  If you are saved, walk in the spirit and walk after things that are God honoring.  We are in a spiritual battle, we know the bible tells us Satan is like a roaring lion and he’s seeking whom he may devour. We have to go to war for our spiritual health every day, yes we said EVERY DAY!

We discuss how to fight the spiritual battles we are facing every day by putting on the whole armor of God.  Read Ephesians 6:10-18.  We go into detail on what each piece of armor means: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, helmet of salvation and sword of the spirit.

Galatians gives us a guide to recognize if we’re walking in the spirit or not and Ephesians equips us with what we need to combat the enemy.

We must realize we have a real enemy which means we have to view everything through a spiritual lens.  Your husband is NOT your enemy but the devil will do anything he can to destroy your marriage.  Your kids, your friends or even your parents are NOT your enemy Satan is and he will do everything he can to come in between all of your relationships.

We need to allow the spirit to guide our decisions - should I take this job? Should I date this person?

We go into depth on how important fasting can be in our spiritual lives. Do you have an important decision to make? Consider fasting and filling that time in prayer.  

What’s the purpose?

Our spiritual health is important.  As Christians, we should be pursuing Spiritual maturity but the only way we can do that is if we are walking in the Spirit, not pleasing the flesh through sin, but the spirit in purity. That reminds me, the Spirit will never lead us to sin…NEVER. It’s not his nature and sometimes we need to be reminded of that, especially when we think that “following our heart” is of God - our heart will lead us to do what feels good, that can lead to sin.  The Spirit will lead us to holiness.

What’s the Challenge?

Take time this week to read Galatians 5 and Ephesians 6 on your own.  Combat the flesh and the enemy with God’s Holy Word.
Pursue holiness.  And since we talked about it,   I want to encourage each of you to begin incorporating fasting in your lives…begin with a meal, but I would strongly encourage a 24 hour fast and maybe even longer if you’re impressed by the Spirit.

We spent some time talking about the fruit of the Spirit and in 2 weeks we are going to dedicate a series completely to Galatians 5 and the fruit of the Spirit. But please tune in next week as we welcome a special guest to our show.  This is an interview you do not want to miss.

Episode 19: Staying Healthy Mind, Body & Soul through a Cancer Diagnosis with Special Guest Kaley Shawley


Episode 17: Physical Health: Nutrition, Exercise & Rest