Episode 19: Staying Healthy Mind, Body & Soul through a Cancer Diagnosis with Special Guest Kaley Shawley

Interview with Kaley Shawley:

Join us today as we wrap up our mind, body and soul series with an interview with our dear friend, Kaley Shawley.  Kaley is a young wife and mother who is currently living with cancer.  Since her cancer diagnosis over a year ago, Kaley has faced extensive surgeries as well as an intense form of radiation that put her in isolation away from her family for 21 days.  She shares how her faith has grown during this time and how she has completely changed her diet and environment to promote a healthy lifestyle.  No one would ever choose cancer as their path but Kaley shares with us how God has used it to allow her to share her faith, as well as to encourage others to seek healthier alternatives.
We know that you will enjoy getting to know Kaley and will be encouraged by her strong faith and love for the Lord.
If you would like to follow Kaley on social media, you can find her here:


If you would like to learn more about Kaley’s cancer journey, as well as how you can support Kaley and her family, follow the link below.


Episode 20: Fruit of the Spirit Series Ep. 1 What’s Love got to do with it?


Episode 18: The Importance of a Healthy Soul