Episode 20: Fruit of the Spirit Series Ep. 1 What’s Love got to do with it?

This week we are kicking off our Fruit of the Spirit study with the first fruit mentioned in Galatians…Love.

We read Galatians 5:22-28

Discuss the 4 types of love:
1 - Eros: Romantic Love
2 - Storge: Family Love
3- Philia: Brotherly Love
4- Agape: God’s divine love; unconditional love

We discuss what love isn’t and what love is and also debunk some of the world's most quoted sayings about love today…“Love is Love” and “Love yourself more.” 

Scripture Read:

1 John 4:16
Galatians 5:14
Matthew 22:36-40
1 Corinthians 13:1-11
1 Corinthians 13:13

We discuss 1 Corinthians 13 in detail - we can do all the great things in the world but if we do them without love they are for naught. 

What’s the Purpose:
As Christians, we are called to love - Jesus tells us it’s the greatest commandment - love the Lord and love other people.  It’s so important that if we’re not loving well then our well-doings mean absolutely nothing. So today is to serve as a reminder for all of us to check our motivation.  Why are we doing what we’re doing?  Is it out of obligation or is it out of love?  Is it for a pat on the back or is it out of love?

What’s the Challenge: 
We talked about how we throw the word love around a lot but are we truly loving with a sacrificial love?  If you find yourself this week feeling down, focused on how bad you have it- do the opposite of what our tendency is - wallowing in self-pity - but find a way to serve someone in love and I can almost guarantee you that your doom and gloom attitude will dissipate. Especially, as Christians I think also that our service to the church can become just that, and we forget the love part - make it a point to serve with love at the forefront and see how God transforms your attitude of why you are doing what you do.

Episode 21: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 2 - Happy Happy Joy Joy


Episode 19: Staying Healthy Mind, Body & Soul through a Cancer Diagnosis with Special Guest Kaley Shawley