Episode 21: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 2 - Happy Happy Joy Joy

Today we are continuing our Fruit of the Spirit series talking about Joy.

We would like to point out something that is often overlooked in regards to the Fruit of the Spirit and that’s the fact the word fruit is not in plural form in this passage. It can seem strange from a grammatical standpoint but this is because ALL of these attributes are given to us when we are saved and when the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us. It is one fruit because they all go hand in hand with the Holy Spirit and are given to every child of God.

We discuss what happiness is and what joy is and what the difference is between the two. Happiness is a feeling, an emotion, but true Joy is something that is more than a feeling. Happiness is a great feeling but it will not sustain you. Happy moments come and go and will fade but true joy is something internal, it's a deep sensation of purpose, no matter what your circumstances are.

Jesus taught us a lot about joy and how to experience true joy. We read Hebrews 12:2 and discussed how it would not have been a happy fuzzy moment when Jesus went to the cross but his motivation wasn’t based on just a feeling, if it were, there’s no way he would have embraced such a brutal death on the cross but his motivation was based on his purpose and the fact that he loved us enough to endure the cross and his love for us gave him joy to push through and fulfill his mission.

Joy is rooted in God and God’s word teaches us that the source of all joy is JESUS! If you are not grounded in your faith you are just living from one happy moment to the other and that will only get you so far. Those moments will not sustain you but the hope we have that one day we will see Jesus face to face will be what sustains us and what will help us face trials and still be able to find joy as believers in Christ.

If you are not a believer in Christ we address how there’s no way for you to understand the Joy the bible is telling us about because you do not have the Holy Spirit living inside of you.

Scripture Read:

Galatians 5:22

Hebrews 12:2

John 15:9-11

Philippians 1:4, 2:2, 3:1, 4:4

Psalm 30:5

What’s the Purpose:

As women, we are more susceptible to emotional manipulation - in general we are more emotional and can be swayed based on our emotions, and the Enemy knows that and he plays on that. And if he can get us discontented in our commitments - our church, our home, with our family and friends - then he wins. The purpose of reminding us that happiness is fleeting but joy will sustain us, can mature us into remaining faithful to what God has called us to even when we’re not always happy. The world will tell you to leave your marriage if you’re not happy, it will tell you to leave your church if your feelings were hurt, to pursue relationships and substances that give you a jolt of happiness but will ultimately leave you lonely and in despair. Sin is fun for a season but it tears apart families and friends and churches all the time. But joy will carry you through those hard times because you know there is a greater purpose to what you’re facing or experiencing in this moment.

What’s the Challenge:

My challenge to each of you today is to find joy in the mundane. Is your marriage going through a rough patch? Remind yourself of the commitment you made and let the joy of what it represents sustain you. Are you just in a rut with your job or in motherhood? It’s ok but look this week for something to be joyful over, whether it’s a coworker that came to you to help her pray about something or a child who was kind to a friend at school. The moment will bring you happiness but reminding yourself of the purpose behind your calling in life will bring you true JOY.


Episode 22: Fruit of the Spirit Ep. 3 A Peace that passes all understanding


Episode 20: Fruit of the Spirit Series Ep. 1 What’s Love got to do with it?