Episode 8: How to Love Like Jesus: In Singleness

As we enter a series on the Family, we want to first begin by speaking to all the single ladies.  Unfortunately, this demographic is often overlooked in the church,  inadvertently but that’s why we want to begin here as we talk about the family.  Your role is very important whether you are a woman who has been called to singleness in order to devote your lives to the Lord, through divorce, you’ve found yourself widowed through the death of your spouse or maybe you’ve just not met the one who God has chosen for you…this is for you!

Our culture has a long history of viewing marriage as the “end goal.” And today we want to shift the narrative that the goal in any of our lives is not marriage but holiness.

Paul teaches on marriage throughout scripture but today we’re going to land in 1 Corinthians 7:7-9.  In the middle of Paul’s teaching on marriage, he gives us this caveat… “For I would that all men were even as I myself.  But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.  I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I.  But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.”

We want to give you some encouragement today, to live completely and devoted to the Lord no matter how or why you are single:

  1. Stay faithful - Determine to remain obedient to God - faithful to serve - faithful in your Spiritual Disciplines like - reading your Bible, prayer, faithful to the house of God - there is a strong correlation between your faithfulness to church and the results of your life. 

  2. Keep trusting - Continue to believe that God has a purpose/plan for your life even though you may not see it now -His ways are not our ways, HIs thoughts are not our thoughts - He sees the bigger picture that we can’t see right now. Romans 8:28

  3. Live Holy - Especially in today’s culture, we wanted to dig deeper into specifics regarding holiness in singleness - Episode 3 Sanctification

Romans 12:1-2, 1 Cor. 6:18-20

Matthew 5:28

 Sin starts with the eyes, it’s a look, if you look long enough that look turns into a thought and then eventually that thought will turn into an action.  Just look at Eve in the garden.  

We take a deeper look at the story of David’s family, Amnon and Tamar, and how a thought led to sin and eventually death.  We must take sin seriously and commit our lives to holiness.

 2 Samuel 13:1-15

We then discuss what it looks like if you desire to marry one day and how to honor God in finding the right spouse.

We hope that today’s episode reminds you to serve God faithfully no matter your relationship status and to continually seek His will for your life!


Episode 9: How to Love Like Jesus: As a Wife


Episode 7: A Special Mother’s Day Show Featuring Our Moms